I spent the past week translating our end-of-camp surveys for Camp Girls Leading Our World. Here are a few results from the fifty participants…
- 72% — able to reference at least two healthy habits they learned at Camp GLOW that they will continue when they go home.
- 100% — agree or strongly agree that Camp GLOW left them feeling more confident.
- Women’s health — most votes for best session (33 votes)
- Women’s health — most votes for could be improved for next year (11 votes and most just suggested a translator)
- Most frequent suggestion for future Camp GLOWs — do it every year!
The Prey Veng survey asked simple questions but its answers reflect the power of camps like GLOW. If you are a follower of this blog, you know there are many Peace Corps Volunteers scattered in various corners of Cambodia doing very similar work.
Our camp, Camp GLOW Prey Veng, was one of at least six similar camps facilitated around Cambodia between late-May and mid-June. Together, these camps helped inspire and empower hundreds of Cambodian boys and girls.
The last picture of the Prey Veng Peace Corps crew (from right: Diana Broberg, Mark Douple, Sam Weiss, Leah Mortenson, your faithful blogger)